

Why I chose to make this costume:

Gwen was just beginning to gain popularity and I was looking for a new costume to take with me for work with SC Upstate Heroes that was a bit more kid friendly. This also was going to be a more comfortable costume to have as an option for easy wear at cons.

Thoughts on this costume:

When I first decided to purchase this costume, I didn’t know the impact Gwen would have on my life. She got me into comic books, and it was a great time for women in comics. I also have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of the artists who made Gwen into a reality over the years, which is really cool. And while I have grown a lot since this costume, it’s been really cool to see how much she has grown as well through the Spiderverse and other spin-offs.

Blog posts on this costume:

Trimming Spider-Gwen Wig