Sailor Aurora

Photography by Overcash Photography

Based on art by Miss Paige Christine


Why I chose to make this costume:

It’s no secret I love all things Disney and all things Sailor Moon. When Miss Paige Christine started an art mashup series of the ladies of Disney as Sailor Scouts, I knew I’d have to make one of them. Lucky for me, I have an amazing group of 19 ladies in my life who made it possible to bring a very large portion of her artwork to life. Their social links will be listed below the post.

Thoughts on this costume:

I loved this costume and the process of making it. I learned how to dip dye for this project, and it was a drastic improvement from my first attempt at making a senshi fuku. This was the also the first time I started asking for close up detail shots of different parts of my costume I’m really proud of. It is a practice I’ve tried to carry forward, so I can look back and see things that I learned from or was really happy with how they turned out. Seen in the images in the gallery.

Sailor Scouts Social Media Links

Mulan: @heyitsrosac
Sally: @wookchique
Jane: @revelriley
Rapunzel: @meggarss
Merida: @trisaratops.cos
Moana: @makewayfinder
Kida: @jenumicosplay
Snow White: @ginger_jedi_jessi
Nala: @labillustration
Megara: @lulubeecrafts
Esmeralda: @ms.sugarmuscle
Ariel: @ladykitzcosplay
Cinderella: @catyvand
Vanellope: @flavoredk_
Belle: @quercusv
Leia: @seams.come.true
Elsa: @princessofgville
Anna: @danibeedabbles