Rave Care Bear

Photography by Overcash Photography and Schott Thomason Photography


Why I chose to make this costume:

2018 was really the first year I really tried to start doing larger group costumes with friends to party in. I won’t post that many of my “party” outfits here, but this group was so fun and colorful it begs to be seen more.

Thoughts on this costume:

There aren’t a ton of thoughts one can have on this costume as it was very straightforward. We all had the basic requirements to wear a white tank with our bear’s symbol on it, a tutu, and ears. The rest of the rave gear was up to the individual. I was Cheer Bear so I could wear rainbows and pink! This was so much fun! Care Bears tagged below.

Blog posts on this costume:

Goals for 2019

Care Bear Social Media Links

Grumpy Bear: @heyitsrosac
Wish Bear: @trisaratops.cos
Champ Bear: @catyvand
Bedtime Bear: @quercusv
Birthday Bear: @danibeedabbles
Trick-or-Treat Bear: @kittiesfoodandcars
Good Luck Bear: @darthunicorned
Love-a-lot Bear: @essentiallykathryn
Secret Bear: Erin
Harmony Bear: Kat