Officer Jenny
Photography by Charles Logan Photography
Why I chose to make this costume:
I grew up watching Pokemon, and I always loved Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. I thought I was being edgy choosing a character that wasn’t Misty (not as cool as I think). Plus it was cool to have blue hair!
Thoughts on this costume:
This is one of the first costumes I attempted to sew on my own. However, at the time, my sewing skills definitely weren’t enough to finish this. My mom actually stepped in to help me finish the top before Gen Con in 2014. There are a lot of firsts in this costume which make it special to me: first Arda wig, first costume I ruined with food, first time I remade a piece of an outfit, first time I thrifted anything for costume… It means a lot to me to look back on these photos. My friend Logan was nice enough to take these photos with me in Greer City Park at sunset several years after I made the original costume.