Black Cat

Photography by Thumbprint Photography and COTC Photography


Why I chose to make this costume:

I have always loved Felicia Hardy as the Black Cat ever since her first appearances on Spider-man the animated series in the 90’s. She is so empowered. I also may have had a thing for anything related to cats as a child, and who doesn’t want white hair? I hope that everyone who chooses to become Felicia feels as powerful and sexy as I do when I wear this costume.

Thoughts on this costume:

This was one of my earliest costumes, and that was largely due to the fact that I had all the base items for this. I used the wig from my Jack Skellington cosplay and a catsuit I had from college Halloween parties. The shoes were a Goodwill find. I made the made the mask out of foam, and there is a tutorial below on how I made that. I used the base items for my Black Widow costume as well, and all of the fur details were added in a way that they were detachable. I later updated the wig to a Rockstar Wig because I ruined the other wig trying to clean and restyle it.

Blog posts featuring this costume:

Spider-Man Superior Teaser

Foam Mask Tutorial