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  • Valhallacon 2015

    If you haven’t seen it on my other forms of social media yet, last weekend I attended Valhallacon in Columbia, SC at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. I have been planning to…

  • Selfie Sunday: June 28, 2015

    I get really sad when I don’t take the time to write posts for this blog because it has become one of my stress relievers. It seems like every time I write…

  • Heroes Con 2015

    Last weekend, I was lucky enough to attend Heroes Convention 2015 at the Charlotte Convention Center. Since I have five hours to wait on this plane, I figured I would finally tell…

  • Super Ordinary

    Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of shooting with a new photographer, Ryan Fonner. He reached out to me after SC Comicon to help him with a photography project for a…

  • Rocio and David’s Wedding

    I was lucky enough to attend a very special event on May 23, 2015. One of my best friends from high school got married. When she asked if I would be able…

  • Memorial Day 2015

    Before I say anything else, I want to say Happy Birthday to my Dad! I love you! Wow, so Memorial Day was two weeks ago. I had such a fun time that…

  • Selfie Sunday: June 7, 2015

    The past two weeks have been out of control busy. I kept telling myself, “Tonight is the night you will sit down and catch up on your blog.” I’m so happy I…

  • Cosplay Experiment 2K15

    Today, I was challenged by a cosplayer I admire, Agent Simmons Cosplay to partake in #CosplayExperiment2K15. I must say that I am so happy that he included me in on this. The…

  • Book Review- Mistborn: The Well of Ascension

    I finally finished the second in the Mistborn Trilogy, Mistborn: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. For all the things I have going on this actually went by fairly quickly, but…

  • Selfie Sunday: May 17, 2015

    I don’t know how many people actually keep up with this blog, but to the ones who do, I’m sorry for my slacking. Travel for work has got me exhausted. I’ve definitely…