Category / Cosplay / Tips and Tutorials
Princess Neptune’s Jewelry
I’ve hinted that I’ll be doing a version of Sailor Neptune for Dragon Con this year It’s true! We will be attending Night at the Aquarium this year, so I really wanted…
August 30, 2016 -
Fabric Notebook
If you read my most recent post about getting my cosplaying under control then you may know that I feel my life lacks a little organization. Ok, it lacks a lot of…
May 19, 2016 -
Cosplay Control
It has come to my attention recently that I have started to go a little overboard with all my cosplans to the point that what was initially exciting is now starting to…
May 17, 2016 -
DIY Goth Tibbers
Today is the first day of PAX East in Boston. I will be dressed as Goth Annie from League of Legends today. This was a last minute change of plans due to…
April 22, 2016 -
My Top 5 Spring Cosplay Essentials
I’m doing my first collaboration post. In case you are interested, I am a part of an online blogging community called Geeks & Beauties. This post is a part of our February…
February 26, 2016 -
Trimming Spider-Gwen Wig
This week’s theme is prep for Captain’s Comic Expo. The last post was how to make your own foam mask as I updated my Black Cat mask. Today is trimming a wig since…
February 19, 2016 -
Foam Mask Tutorial
Yesterday, you may have noticed was Tuesday, and there was no post. This is because I was a bum Monday. Tuesday evening though I was very productive because I have to get…
February 17, 2016 -
Silicone Spray for Detangling Wigs
A while back fellow friend and cosplayer, Amanda Finley Cosplay, recommended I try using silicone lubricant spray to help detangle my wigs. She said it was like magic. Well, guess what? It…
February 12, 2016 -
Recycling Oversized Bodysuit
A while back I ordered a new Miss Whiplash bodysuit. In case you were interested that is the bodysuit that I use for Black Cat and Black Widow. It’s a great suit.…
January 29, 2016 -
Sock Hop Sailor Venus Skirt
This is very similar to last Tuesdsay’s post about my Sock Hop Sailor Saturn Skirt, but this time around was a skirt for me. I will be Sailor Venus in our sock…
January 26, 2016
Sadie by Design

Hey guys, it's Sadie!
I'm a cosplayer, blogger, and all around geek based in South Carolina. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
Want to get in touch?
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