2016: New Year. New Me.
Welcome to the new and improved website for Sadie by Design. Last year, I was very much about quantity, and this year I’m trying to focus on quality. Since quantity was the goal last year, I was a little hasty in the decision to make a website, and now, I am paying for it having to switch to a self-hosted website rather than just starting it correctly to begin with. Here’s a little bit of an update on where I’m headed this year.
Something I know that I have been really bad about when it comes to blogging is keeping to any sort of schedule, and I think that without posting regularly, people really don’t have a good reason to come back and read more. I would like to try to publish two blog posts a week moving forward in 2016. Tuesdays and Fridays is when you should be on the lookout for a definite post from me.
Quality photography is something that I’m going to try to provide in 2016. I know the professional photos I have are very nice, but I tend to get lazy on my own side of things even though I have a nice camera. If you feel like my blog posts are suffering due to less than quality photos please tell me.
In case you missed the announcement video you can check it out below. Not only do I want to put out quality everything in 2016, but I really want to push myself outside of my comfort zone.
There will be a new video on the second and fourth Thursday of every month with a few bonus videos thrown in. On top of the announcement video I posted my first content video yesterday, Top 10 Reasons Why I Cosplay. Make sure you subscribe!
Cosplay is an area, in theory, I will really be cutting back on due to the number of costumes I will be producing will be going down. I don’t feel like this is going to harm Sadie by Design in any way. Establishing myself as a cosplayer in 2015 was a success, and I owe that to the amount of stress I caused myself pumping out costume after costume. Now, it is time to really start honing in on my skills, and mastering the art.
The things I am most excited about for cosplay this year are…
- Bringing a few of my original designs to life
- Making my first guest appearance as a featured cosplayer at Captain’s Comic Expo
- Attending my first DragonCon
- Opening up for cosplay commissions
- annnnnnnnnd……. Working on putting out a 2017 Calendar!!!
This is probably my favorite part of 2016 so far. In order to be able to produce quality anything I have admitted that I need to learn to be more organized. I am in love with my Hufflepuff Divination Planner from Ruskerville on Etsy. If you are into that sort of thing, or trying to get into that sort of thing you should check out his stuff. Everything is handbound and high quality. I’m putting my entire life in this thing, so heaven forbid I spill tea on it or it gets lost.
What are you doing differently in 2016? Are you excited for the new year? What else would you like to see Sadie by Design accomplish in 2016? Don’t forget to subscribe!
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
I’m very excited for 2016 – all your goals sound good and do-able! I also need to get more organized since I always have a million ideas floating around in my head! Bullet journaling has been a big help 🙂
Good idea. Thanks. I’m always looking for new things that might help me.
Omg yes! DragonCon is one of the best cons I have ever attended.
If you’ll be there this year make sure to give me a shout out! Love meeting new people. 🙂
Love your Ravenclaw planner!! Getting organised’s saved my sanity and having a planner you can get a lot of enjoyment only boosts productivity. And fun, hehe.
I’m trying to stick to a blogging schedule, but I’ve been super bad at it all through 2015. Once I’ve experimented to see which days are do-able for me and prove to be good reading days, I’ll hopefully get something sorted out.
Good luck with your goals in 2016! 🙂
Thank you! You can always join me on Tuesdays and Fridays for blogging!