Valhallacon 2015
If you haven’t seen it on my other forms of social media yet, last weekend I attended Valhallacon in Columbia, SC at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. I have been planning to come to this convention since I attended my first one last summer. The Sally to my Jack Skellington cosplay is the lovely lady who runs this convention also known as Atomic Muffins Cosplay.
Let’s just say, we were lucky enough that the worst part of our day happened five minutes out the door. I ran out of gas! YASSS! After I was asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to stop now?” at one in the morning. Believe me, I was seriously regretting having convinced myself that I had enough to make it to the station in the morning. Because I didn’t.
This convention was special to me because I had the honor of cosplaying with my best friend, Kelly. The fact that she looked so amazingly awesome in a cosplay that I made for her made all the lack of sleep totally worth it. Lucky for me, Kelly likes portraying the evil side of the world, so it was easy to convince her to be the Maleficent to my Briar Rose. More on both costumes in a later post.

As far as the convention itself, I had a lot of fun for the day we stayed. I had my first table, which was fun, but I don’t think this was the right convention for it. I got to see lots of my convention friends, and met some new ones.
My favorite part of this convention was the amount of wonderful photographers. We were able to do a few photoshoots. The two that I have gotten “official photos” back from are the photos featured in this blog post, COTC Photography and Preston Jong Productions. Preston Jong also does cosplay music videos. Below is the video from this convention. You might recognize some of the faces in the first 30 seconds.
Last but definitely not least, I got interviewed for the Channel 19 Local News, and they featured my interview! Here is a link to the video because I wasn’t able to embed it here.
How can I make my convention posts more exciting for you? Would you be interested in full convention coverage in blog posts while at the con? Video posts? Tell me how I can do better for you.