Goodbye Instagram
Have you ever gone through a breakup where things haven’t been working for a long time, and while you don’t want to say goodbye, it’s long overdue? This is the closest thing…
December 21, 2020 -
Thanksgiving 2019
Happy Thanksgiving! Recently, there hasn’t been a lot of time to focus on my hobbies or even friends due to work obligations. Leading up to thanksgiving this year, I have been extremely…
November 28, 2019 -
2018 It’s All a Process
As I’m writing this I’m watching Willie edit photos on his Twitch stream, and he’s got me inspired. I’ve kind of been laying low coming into 2018 these past few weeks. It’s…
January 11, 2018 -
Shifting Perspective
We constantly learn more about ourselves as we get older. Older and wiser they say. I have had a lot of opportunity to grow and learn over the course of 2017. Some…
December 8, 2017 -
Short Hair, Don’t Care
Short post. Moral of the story: you do you. I have been growing my hair out from a pixie cut since January of 2016. I’ve had some good days and some bad…
September 20, 2017 -
Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my 27th birthday. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my birthday. I couldn’t really tell you why I love it so much, but maybe it has something…
July 28, 2017 -
April + May 2017 Wrap-up: Where have I been?
It’s hard for me to believe that we are about to start June already. You may have noticed it has been pretty quiet around here lately. This post is going to give…
May 31, 2017 -
2017 A Year for Focus
Happy new year everyone! I hope everyone has been enjoying their new year so far. While my 2016 was wonderful a lot of people did not feel the same, and I can…
January 5, 2017 -
The Origins of a Nerd
My friend Mickey at Nerdily challenged fellow geek bloggers to share their origin stories with the world. It has been awesome reading everyone’s rise to nerdom because they come in all different shapes,…
August 18, 2016 -
Update: Vacation, Cosplay, and Life in General
I’ve taken a much needed break from blogging recently. Maybe you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to instead of blogging? The answer is a little bit of everything. I have so…
August 10, 2016
Sadie by Design

Hey guys, it's Sadie!
I'm a cosplayer, blogger, and all around geek based in South Carolina. Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
Want to get in touch?
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