Category / Lifestyle / Monthly Wrap-up

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  • 2019 Year in Review

    It’s been silent pretty much everywhere for the last few months with Sadie by Design. There may have been the occasional Instagram post, but ultimately I’ve been forcing myself to take a…

  • Goals for 2019

    Happy New Year! I love new years. I know some people don’t care about it or even dislike it, but I always get excited for this time of year. Mostly, it is…

  • April 2018 Wrap-up

    I will admit, I expected after getting the website back up and running that blog posts would be flowing like crazy, but I just haven’t been that motivated to write recently. I…

  • March 2018 Wrap-Up

    Well, if it’s any indicator, you can guess how busy I am that my monthly-wrap up from March is coming more than halfway through April. It’s been a good kind of busy,…

  • February 2018 Wrap-Up

    I know February is the shortest month of the year, but this month really flew by too quickly. This year has been really amazing so far, but the one thing it is…

  • January 2018 Wrap-Up

    Just like starting this year, I’m finding January to be especially hard to wrap-up for some reason. It may have something to do with the fact that the last time I wrote…

  • 2017 Year in Review

    I cannot believe that it is already time for the last blog post of the year. 2017 has been a whirlwind, and here we are getting ready for 2018 already. I tried…

  • June + July 2017 Wrap-up

    Surprise! It’s August already! I’m going to need you to slow down 2017. Thanks. I think since the last wrap-up I’ve had quite a few posts, so motivation to blog has been…

  • April + May 2017 Wrap-up: Where have I been?

    It’s hard for me to believe that we are about to start June already. You may have noticed it has been pretty quiet around here lately. This post is going to give…

  • March 2017 Wrap-up

    March has zoomed by as a whirlwind of conventions, and in proper fashion, I spent this month racing to get cosplays done for their convention debut. This month has been insanely good…